Header & keywords

Defined in header <vif/io/fits.hpp>.


bool fits::file_base::has_keyword(std::string name) const;

This function checks if a given keyword exists in the header of the current HDU. This check is not case-sensitive, and the function automatically supports long keyword names specified with the HIERARCH convention; it is not necessary to specify the HIERARCH explicitly. Will throw an exception if no file is currently open.


// Open a FITS image
fits::input_image img("my_image.fits");
img.has_keyword("BUNIT"); // does this image have a unit?


template<typename T>
bool fits::file_base::read_keyword(std::string name, T& value) const;

This function checks if a given keyword exists in the header of the current HDU, and if the keyword exits, attempts to read its value and store it into the variable value. This check is not case-sensitive, and the function automatically supports long keyword names specified with the HIERARCH convention; it is not necessary to specify the HIERARCH explicitly. If any of these steps fail, the content of value is unchanged and the function returns false. Will throw an exception if no file is currently open.


// Open a FITS image
fits::input_image img("my_image.fits");
std::string unit;
if (img.read_keyword("BUNIT", unit)) {
    // We know the unit of the image
double frequency;
if (img.read_keyword("FREQ", frequency)) {
    // We know the frequency at which the image was obtained

write_keyword, add_keyword

template<typename T>
void fits::output_file_base::write_keyword(std::string name, const T& value); // [1]
template<typename T>
void fits::output_file_base::add_keyword(std::string name, const T& value); // [2]

These functions write the given keyword into the header of the current HDU, setting its value to the provided value. If a keyword with this name already exist, function [1] will update its value, while function [2] will simply ignore it and add a new keyword with the same name at the end of the header (it is indeed possible to have multiple keywords with the same name). If the keyword name is longer than 8 characters, CFITSIO will automatically write the keyword with the HIERARCH convention; it is not necessary to specify the HIERARCH explicitly. Will throw an exception if no file is currently open.


// Open a FITS image
fits::output_image img("my_image.fits");
vec2d data(10,10);
img.write_keyword("BUNIT", "W/m2/sr"); // write a string
img.write_keyword("FREQ", 1.4e9);      // write a number


void fits::output_file_base::remove_keyword(std::string name);

This function will remove the first keyword in the header whose name matches the provided string. No error is generated if no such keyword exists. If the keyword name is longer than 8 characters, CFITSIO will automatically write the keyword with the HIERARCH convention; it is not necessary to specify the HIERARCH explicitly. Will throw an exception if no file is currently open.


// Open a FITS image
fits::output_image img("my_image.fits");
vec2d data(10,10);
img.write_keyword("BUNIT", "W/m2/sr"); // write a string
img.remove_keyword("BUNIT");           // we changed our mind, remove it