Managing HDUs

Defined in header <vif/io/fits.hpp>.


uint_t fits::file_base::hdu_count() const;

This function returns the number of HDUs (or extensions) currently present in the file. This includes the “primary HDU” (extension with ID 0), and therefore should always be larger or equal to one. Will throw an exception if no file is currently open.


// Open a FITS image for writing
fits::output_image img("my_image.fits");
img.hdu_count(); // 1 (only the primary HDU)
// Reach some other HDU
img.hdu_count(); // 2


uint_t fits::file_base::current_hdu() const;

This function returns the ID of the current HDU (or extension). The “primary HDU” has ID of 0, and every following HDU has its ID incremented by one. Will throw an exception if no file is currently open.


// Open a FITS image for writing
fits::output_image img("my_image.fits");
img.current_hdu(); // 0 (the primary HDU)
// Reach some other HDU
img.current_hdu(); // 1


fits::hdu_type fits::file_base::hdu_type() const;

This function attempts to identify the content in the current HDU, determining whether it is an image (fits::image_hdu), a table (fits::table_hdu), or an empty HDU (fits::empty_hdu). If it could not decide, it returns fits::null_hdu. The function will throw an exception if the header contains keywords with invalid values, or if no file is currently open.


// Open a FITS image for writing
fits::output_image img("my_image.fits");
img.hdu_type(); // fits::empty_hdu (the primary HDU is initially empty)
// Write some data
img.hdu_type(); // fits::image_hdu


void fits::file_base::reach_hdu(uint_t hdu);

This function attempts to reach the requested HDU to start reading/writing data from/to it. If this HDU does not exist and the file was opened only with read access, the function will throw an exception. If the file was opened with write access, the function will insert as many empty HDUs as required so that the requested HDU exists, and then reach it for read/write operations. Will throw an exception if no file is currently open.


// Open a FITS image for writing; we start at the primary HDU (ID 0)
fits::output_image img("my_image.fits");
// Reach some other HDU
// Write data there
vec2d data(10,10);
// The file now contains:
//  - an empty primary HDU (ID 0)
//  - an empty first extension (ID 1)
//  - the image data in the second extension (ID 2)


void fits::file_base::remove_hdu();

This function removes the current HDU from the file. If other HDUs existed after the current HDU, their IDs are decreased by one, to fill the gap. This function will throw an exception when attempting to remove the primary HDU, as by definition it cannot be removed. Will throw an exception if no file is currently open. Only available for output files.


// Open a FITS image for writing; we start at the primary HDU (ID 0)
fits::output_image img("my_image.fits");
// Reach some other HDU
// Write some data
vec2d data(10,10);
// The file now contains:
//  - an empty primary HDU (ID 0)
//  - an empty first extension (ID 1)
//  - the image data in the second extension (ID 2)

// Move to the HDU 1
// Remove it
// The file now contains:
//  - an empty primary HDU (ID 0)
//  - the image data in the first extension (ID 1)


uint_t fits::file_base::axis_count() const;

This function returns the number of axes of the data located in the current HDU. For image data, this is the number of axes (1 for 1D data, 2 for images, 3 for cubes, etc.). For table data and empty HDUs, the function returns zero. Will throw an exception if no file is currently open.


// Open a FITS image for writing
fits::output_image img("my_image.fits");
img.axis_count(); // 0 (the primary HDU is initially empty)
// Write some data
vec2d data(10,10);
img.axis_count(); // 2


vec1u fits::file_base::image_dims() const;

This function returns the dimensions of the image in the current HDU. If the current HDU is empty or contains table data, this returns an empty vector. Will throw an exception if no file is currently open.


// Open a FITS image for writing
fits::output_image img("my_image.fits");
img.image_dims(); // {} (the primary HDU is initially empty)
// Write some data
vec2d data(8,10);
img.image_dims(); // {8,10}