Index manipulation

Defined in header <vif/utility/generic.hpp>.


template<std::size_t D>
vec1u mult_ids(const std::array<uint_t,D>& dims, uint_t i); // [1]

template<std::size_t D>
vec2u mult_ids(const std::array<uint_t,D>& dims, vec1u i); // [2]

template<std::size_t D, typename T>
vec1u mult_ids(const vec<D,T>& v, uint_t i); // [3]

template<std::size_t D, typename T>
vec2u mult_ids(const vec<D,T>& v, vec1u i); // [4]

This function converts a “flat” index i into an array of multidimensional indices, following the provided dimensions dims ([1] and [2]) or the provided vector v ([3] and [4]). The flat_id function does the inverse job.

[2] and [4] are the vectorized version of [1] and [3], respectively. The return value is a 2D vector of indices: the first dimension contains as many elements as dims ([2]) or the dimensions of v ([4]), and the second dimension contains as many elements as the provided index vector i.


vec2i v(2,3);
mult_ids(v,0); // {0,0}
mult_ids(v,1); // {0,1}
mult_ids(v,2); // {0,3}
mult_ids(v,3); // {1,0}
v[3] == v(1,0); // true


template<std::size_t D, typename ... Args>
uint_t flat_id(const std::array<uint_t,D>& dims, Args&& ... args); // [1]

template<std::size_t D, typename TI>
uint_t flat_id(const std::array<uint_t,D>& dims, const vec<1,TI>& ids); // [2]

template<std::size_t D, typename T, typename ... Args>
uint_t flat_id(const vec<D,T>& v, Args&& ... args); // [3]

template<std::size_t D, typename T, typename TI>
uint_t flat_id(const vec<D,T>& v, const vec<1,TI>& ids); // [4]

This function converts a set of multidimensional indices into a “flat” index, following the provided dimensions dims ([1] and [2]) or the provided vector v ([3] and [4]). The mult_ids function does the inverse job.

In [1] and [3], the multidimensional indices are provided as separate arguments to the function. In [2] and [4] they are grouped inside an index vector.


vec2i v(2,3);
flat_id(v,0,0); // 0
flat_id(v,0,1); // 1
flat_id(v,0,2); // 2
flat_id(v,1,0); // 3
v(1,0) == v[3]; // true


void increment_index_list(vec1u& ids, const uint_t& n); // [1]

void increment_index_list(vec1u& ids, const vec1u& n); // [2]

These functions perform one increment on the set of multidimensional indices ids, following the order in memory (i.e., last dimension is incremented first). In [1], each dimension has the same size n, while in [2] the dimensions may be different and are provided as a vector n. These functions allow the full traversal of the multidimensional space in a single loop, and are typically used to iterate on a multidimensional data set when the number of dimensions is either too large or unknown at compile time.

If called on the last allowed index, the function will set ids to zero, hence come back to the first index.


// Say we got some multidimensional data from a file
vec1d data;
vec1u dims = /* read from a file */;

uint_t nelem = 1;
for (uint_t d : dims) nelem *= d;


// Initialize the index vector to zero (first index)
vec1u ids(dims.size());

// Iterate in one single loop
for (uint_t i : range(nelem)) {
    // data[i] is the element at index (ids[0],ids[1],...)

    // Increment using [2]
    increment_index_list(ids, dims);