Finding elements

Defined in header <vif/utility/generic.hpp>.


template<std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
vec1u where(const vec<Dim,Type>& v);

This function will scan the bool vector (or view) provided in argument, will store the “flat” indices of all the elements which are true, and will return all these indices in a vector. This is a very useful tool to filter and selectively modify vectors, and probably one of the most used function of the whole library.


vec1i v = {4,8,6,7,5,2,3,9,0};

// We want to select all the elements which are greater than 3.
// We use where() to get their indices:
vec1u id = where(v > 3); // {0,1,2,3,4,7}

// Now we can check:
v[id]; // {4,8,6,7,5,9}, good!

// The argument of where() can be quite complex:
id = where(v < 3 || (v > 3 && v % 6 < 2)); // now guess

// It can also involve multiple vectors, as long as they have
// the same dimensions.
vec1i w = {9,8,6,1,-2,0,8,5,1};
id = where(v > w || (v + w) % 5 == 0);

// The returned indices are then valid for both v and w.
v[id]; // {8,6,7,5,2,9}
w[id]; // {8,6,1,-2,0,5}

Note that, when called on a view, where() will return indices inside the view itself, and not inside the viewed vector:


vec1i v = {4,8,6,7,5,2,3,9,0};

// Select all the elements greater than 3.
vec1u id1 = where(v > 3);

for (uint_t i : range(1)) {
    // We want to apply another selection on top of the first one.
    // Say we now want only those elements which are even (when i=0)
    // or odd (when i=1):
    vec1u id2 = where(v[id1] % 2 == i);

    // Here 'id2' points inside 'v[id1]', not 'v'!
    // To access the correspond values in 'v', one must write:
    v[id1[id2]] = /* ... */;

    // This is dangerous, because 'v[id2]' is perfectly valid,
    // yet makes absolutely no sense.

In general, such situations can be avoided by only calling where() at the last possible moment, as shown in the example below.


vec1b base = v > 3; // only a 'bool' vector for now

for (uint_t i : range(1)) {
    vec1u id = where(base && v % 2 == i);

    // Now we can access 'v' directly:
    v[id] = /* ... */;

This is often more readable and less error prone, however it may also be less efficient, particularly if the first where() reduced significantly the number of elements to work with (e.g., if v contained millions of elements, and only a few are greater than 3). A typical case where these situations arise is when binning multidimensional data, for example to build a 2D histogram. Then, a much more efficient approach is to use the histogram() function and its siblings. Despite the name, these powerful function can be used for purposes other than histograms.

where_first, where_last

template<std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
uint_t where_first(const vec<Dim,Type>& v); // [1]

template<std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
uint_t where_last(const vec<Dim,Type>& v); // [2]

These functions will scan the bool vector (or view) provided in argument, and return the “flat” index of the first ([1]) or last ([2]) element which is true, or npos if all are false.

When used with views, the same caution applies as for where(): the returned index points inside the view itself, not inside the viewed vector.


vec1i v = {4,8,6,7,5,2,3,9,0};
// We want to select the first element which is greater than 3
uint_t id;
id = where_first(v > 3); // 0
v[id];                   // 4
id = where_last(v > 3);  // 7
v[id];                   // 9


template<std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
vec1u complement(const vec<Dim,Type>& v, const vec1u& ids);

This function works in parallel with where(). Given a vector v and a set of “flat” indices id, it will return the complementary set of indices inside this vector, i.e., all the indices of v that are not present in id. The values of v are unused, only its dimensions are read.


vec1i v = {1,5,6,3,7};
vec1u id = where(v > 4); // {1,2,4}
vec1u cid = complement(v, id); // {0,3}


template<std::size_t D1, std::size_t D2, typename Type1, typename Type2>
void match(const vec<D1,Type1>& v1, const vec<D2,Type2>& v2, vec1u& id1, vec1u& id2);

This function returns the indices of the elements with equal values in v1 and v2. In practice, it traverses v1 and, for each value in v1, looks for elements in v2 that have the same value. If one is found, the index of the element of v1 is added to id1, and the index of the element of v2 is added to id2. If other matches are found in v2 for this same value, they are ignored, therefore only the first match is returned. Then the function goes on to the next value in v1. The two vectors v1 and v2 need not be the same size.

When used with views, the same caution applies as for where(): the returned indices point inside the views themselves, not inside the viewed vectors.


vec1i v = {7,6,2,1,6};
vec1i w = {2,6,5,3};
vec1u id1, id2;
match(v, w, id1, id2);
id1; // {1,2,4}
id2; // {1,0,1}
v[id1] == w[id2]; // always true

set_intersection, set_intersection_sorted, set_union, set_union_sorted

template<std::size_t D1, std::size_t D2, typename Type1, typename Type2>
vec<1,/*...*/> set_intersection(vec<D1,Type1> v1, vec<D2,Type2> v2); // [1]

template<std::size_t D1, std::size_t D2, typename Type1, typename Type2>
vec<1,/*...*/> set_intersection_sorted(const vec<D1,Type1>& v1, const vec<D2,Type2>& v2); // [2]

template<std::size_t D1, std::size_t D2, typename Type1, typename Type2>
vec<1,/*...*/> set_union(vec<D1,Type1> v1, vec<D2,Type2> v2); // [3]

template<std::size_t D1, std::size_t D2, typename Type1, typename Type2>
vec<1,/*...*/> set_union_sorted(const vec<D1,Type1>& v1, const vec<D2,Type2>& v2); // [4]

These functions return a 1D vector containing all the values that exist in both ([1], [2]) or either of ([3], [4]) v1 and v2. These values are returned sorted. If a value is found n1 times in v1 and n2 times in v2, [1] and [2] will return this value min(n1,n2) times, while [3] and [4] will return this value max(n1,n2) times. The two vectors do not need to have the same size, and the functions are symmetric: returned values are the same if v1 and v2 are swapped.

The algorithms used internally (std::set_intersection() and std::set_union()) operate on sorted vectors. [1] and [3] will automatically sort the input vectors, so there are no pre-requirement on their ordering. [2] and [4] will assume that the input vectors are already sorted, all will thus be faster.

The type of the returned vector is the common type between v1 and v2, namely, whatever type results of an operation like v1[0]+v2[0].


vec1i v = {1,2,3,3,3,4,5};
vec1i w = {2,3,3,4,6};

set_insersection(v, w); // {2,3,3,4}
set_union(v, w);        // {1,2,3,3,3,4,5,6}

unique_ids, unique_ids_sorted, unique_values, unique_values_sorted

template<std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
vec1u unique_ids(const vec<Dim,Type>& v); // [1]

template<std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
vec1u unique_ids(const vec<Dim,Type>& v, const vec1u& sid); // [2]

template<std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
vec1u unique_ids_sorted(const vec<Dim,Type>& v); // [3]

template<std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
vec<1,meta::rtype_t<Type>> unique_values(const vec<Dim,Type>& v); // [4]

template<std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
vec<1,meta::rtype_t<Type>> unique_values(const vec<Dim,Type>& v, const vec1u& sid); // [5]

template<std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
vec<1,meta::rtype_t<Type>> unique_values_sorted(const vec<Dim,Type>& v); // [6]

These functions will traverse the provided vector v and find all the unique values. Functions [1] to [3] store the indices of these values and return them inside an index vector. If a value is present more than once, the index of the first one will be returned. Functions [4] to [6] directly return the values themselves, rather than indices.

Internally, the algorithm needs to sort v. To optimize execution, several versions of these functions are provided which handle the sorting differently. Functions [1] and [4] will automatically sort the vector, so there is no pre-requirement on v. Functions [2] and [5] takes a second argument id that contains indices that will sort v. In particular, id can be the return value of sort(v). Lastly, functions [3] and [6] assume that v is already sorted, and are thus the fastest of the three.

When used with views, the same caution applies for functions [1] to [3] as for where(): the returned indices point inside the views themselves, not inside the viewed vectors.


// For an non-sorted vector [1]
vec1i w = {5,6,7,8,6,5,4,1,2,5};
vec1u u = unique_ids(w); // {7,8,6,0,1,2,3}
w[u]; // {1,2,4,5,6,7,8} only unique values

// Providing a sorting vector [2]
vec1u s = sort(w);
vec1u u = unique_ids(w, s); // {7,8,6,0,1,2,3}
w[u]; // {1,2,4,5,6,7,8} only unique values

// For a sorted vector [3]
vec1i v = {1,1,2,5,5,6,9,9,10};
vec1u u = unique_ids_sorted(v); // {0,2,3,5,6,8}
v[u]; // {1,2,5,6,9,10} only unique values


template<typename Type1, std::size_t Dim2, typename Type2>
bool is_any_of(const Type1& v1, const vec<Dim2,Type2>& v2); // [1]

template<std::size_t Dim1, typename Type1, std::size_t Dim2, typename Type2>
vec<Dim1,bool> is_any_of(const vec<Dim1,Type1>& v1, const vec<Dim2,Type2>& v2); // [2]

Function [1] looks inside v2 if there is any value that is equal to v1. If so, it returns true, else it returns false. Function [2] is the vectorized version of [1], and executes this search for each value of v1, then returns a bool vector containing the results.

There are no pre-requirements on v1 or v2.


vec1i v = {7,4,2,1,6};
vec1i d = {5,6,7};
vec1b b = is_any_of(v, d); // {true, false, false, false, true}

bounds, lower_bound, upper_bound

template<typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
uint_t lower_bound(const vec<Dim,Type>& v, T x); // [1]

template<typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
uint_t upper_bound(const vec<Dim,Type>& v, T x); // [2]

template<typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
std::array<uint_t,2> bounds(const vec<Dim,Type>& v, T x); // [3]

template<typename T, typename U, std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
std::array<uint_t,2> bounds(const vec<Dim,Type>& v, T x1, U x2); // [4]

These functions use a binary search algorithm to locate the element in the input vector v that is equal to or closest to the provided value x, which must be a scalar. The binary search assumes that the elements in the input vector are sorted by increasing value. This algorithm also assumes that, if the input vector contains floating point numbers, none of them is NaN.

lower_bound() ([1]) locates the last element in v that is less or equal to x. If no such element is found, npos is returned.

upper_bound() ([2]) locates the first element in v that is greater than x. If no such element is found, npos is returned.

bounds() ([3]) combines what lower_bound() and upper_bound() do, and returns both indices in an array. The second overload of bounds() ([4]) calls lower_bound() to look for x1, and upper_bound() to look for x2.


vec1i v = {2,5,9,12,50};
bounds(v, 0);   // {npos,0}
bounds(v, 9);   // {2,3}
bounds(v, 100); // {4,npos}


template<typename T, std::size_t Dim, typename Type>
std::array<uint_t,2> equal_range(const vec<Dim,Type>& v, T x);

This function uses a binary search algorithm to locate all the values in the input vector v that are equal to x. The binary search assumes that the elements in the input vector are sorted by increasing value. This algorithm also assumes that, if the input vector contains floating point numbers, none of them is NaN.

The function returns the first and last indices of the values equal to x. If no such value is found, the two indices will be set to npos.

If v is not sorted, an alternative is to call where(v == x); this should be faster than sorting v and then using equal_range().


vec1i v = {2,2,5,9,9,9,12,50};
equal_range(v, 9); // {3,5}

// The above is a faster version of:
where(v == 9);


bool astar_find(const vec2b& map, uint_t& x, uint_t& y);

This function uses the A* (“A star”) algorithm to look inside a 2D boolean map m and, starting from the position x and y (i.e. m(x,y)), find the closest point that has a value of true. Once this position is found, its indices are stored inside x and y, and the function returns true. If no element inside m is true, then the function returns false.


// Using 'o' for true and '.' for false, assume we have the following boolean map,
// and that we start at the position indicated by 'S', the closest point whose coordinates
// will be returned by astar_find() is indicated by an 'X'

vec2b m;

//   0123456789  13
// 0 .................
// 1 .................
// 2 .................
// 3 ...ooooo.........
// 4 ...ooooo.........
// 5 ...ooooo.........
// 6 ...ooooo.........
// 7 ...ooooX.........
// 8 .............S...
// 9 .................
//   .................

uint_t x = 13, y = 8;
astar_find(m, x, y);
x; // 7
y; // 7