
Defined in header <vif/utility/string.hpp>.


std::string trim(std::string s, const std::string& c = " \t"); // [1]

template<std::size_t D>
vec<D,std::string> trim(vec<D,std::string> s, const std::string& c = " \t"); // [2]

The function [1] will look at the beginning and end of the string s for any of the characters that is present in c (order is irrelevant), and remove them. This procedure is repeated until no such character is found. The net effect of this function is that the provided string s is trimmed from any of the characters listed in c. This is useful for example to remove leading and trailing spaces of a string (which is what the default value of c does), or to removes quotes, leading zeroes, etc. The function [2] is the vectorized version of [1].


vec1s str = {"", "abc", " a b", " a b c  "};
vec1s t = trim(str, " "); // trim spaces
t; // {"", "abc", "a b", "a b c"}

str = {"", "(a,b)", "((a,b),c)"};
t = trim(str, "()"); // trim parentheses
t; // {"", "a,b", "a,b),c"}

to_upper, to_lower

std::string to_upper(std::string s); // [1]

std::string to_lower(std::string s); // [2]

template<typename T>
vec<D,std::string> to_upper(vec<D,std::string> s); // [3]

template<typename T>
vec<D,std::string> to_lower(vec<D,std::string> s); // [4]

These functions will transform all characters of the string to be upper case ([1]) or lower case ([2]). It has no effect on non-alphabetic characters such as numbers, punctuation, of special characters. Functions [3] and [4] are the vectorized versions of [1] and [2], respectively.


vec1s str = {"", "abc", "AbCdE", "No, thanks!"};
vec1s t = to_upper(str);
t; // {"", "ABC", "ABCDE", "NO, THANKS!"}
t = to_lower(str);
t; // {"", "abc", "abcde", "no, thanks!"}

align_left, align_right, align_center

std::string align_left(std::string s, uint_t w, char f = ' '); // [1]

std::string align_right(std::string s, uint_t w, char f = ' '); // [2]

std::string align_center(std::string s, uint_t w, char f = ' '); // [3]

These functions will pad the provided string with the character f (default to a space) so that the total width the returned string is equal to w. If the provided string is larger than w, it is returned untouched. Padding characters will be appended at the end of the string ([1]), at the beginning of the string ([2]), or equally to both ([3]), so the string will be aligned left, right, and centered, respectively.


std::string s = "5.0";
std::string n = align_left(s, 6);
n; // "5.0   "
n = align_right(s, 6);
n; // "   5.0"
n = align_center(s, 6);
n; // " 5.0  "

// Another padding character can be used
n = align_left(s, 6, '0');
n; // "5.0000"